The Importance of Choice
One of the measures of the quality of our life is the degree to which we have choices.
More Choices, More Growth
The more choices we have in life, the greater the number of decision we have to make. And the greater the number of decision we take, the more practice we get in making the right decision that are appropriate to our life.
Children Want Choices Too!
In many ways, children are just like adults. And the need to feel that you have choices in life is just as strong for children as it is for adults.
Choices Boost Self-Esteem
When children are allowed to take part in the decision-making processes that directly affect their lives, their self-esteem will grow by realizing that their opinions and ideas have value and are respected.
Decision-Making is a Lifelong Skill
You will also helping them develop and refine their decision-making abilities that will become increasingly important as they grow towards adulthood.
Let Them Choose!
Giving children the power to make decisions, no matter how small, builds their confidence and helps them feel valued.
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